The Every Day. Everyday.

How I approached this task, looked up for the meaning of the daily given word, synonymous and antonymous to get a better idea of what I could express. some of the words were kinda hard to capture, also not all days are productive specially when nobody is around giving you some guidelines.

The every day word 1. Mundane.

The every day word 2. Routine.

The every day word 3. Consume.

The every day word 4. Connect.

The every day word 5. Pause.

The Every Day Artist Research.

The Every Day. Part 2.

I choose the word “Pause” because I think it may be a challenge.
My idea is to make a series of different artworks based on the same concept, the Rain.


The first day I decided to start using watercolours and fine liner.
I don’t think I was very successful, perhaps because I am still learning how to use this technique.


Here’s a youtube link that shows videos in which you can see the same spot when it rains, when it stop raining and when is sunny.
The idea is to edit them all and make a single video in which you will be able to see the differences or I might say, how the rain pauses.


The idea of recording how the rain pours and stops was more difficult than I thought. Forecaster is unpredictable and my tools were a little bit doggy. Anyways my second thought was record a water tap. I could physically close and open it. The result isn’t as great as I planned.

The Every Day. Part 3

In response of my developing idea I had made multiple drawings.
I sticked to the same idea, the rain, the pause during a rainy day, how the sky looks before, during and after, how people feel…
It’s curious how certainly situations like a grey rainy day can make you feel miserable, well not to me. It remains me home, it remains me my childhood. The smell before and after the rain. How wonderful is when the rain stops for couple of minutes giving you the opportunity to move, run or even enjoy a glorious ray of sunshine.
As always during the process I got stuck over the same idea and a simple word came to mind, MENOPAUSE, and a recent conversation about how women become invisible when getting older. How society push us on a side. The impossibility of having kids makes us nothing, we aren’t useful anymore, and somehow this natural situation force us to reinvent ourselves. I don’t know if this is going to be a problematic obsession or just the opposite, what I am certain about is that this theme is going be stuck on my head for a long time. Who knows, maybe this is the beginning of this year’s final mayor project.

Project Evaluation.

This project aimed to develop the imagination from a creative point of view. Every day we had to create multiple quick drawings inspired by one word, varied but always based on that initial concept.
I think the goal was to understand the making of quick sketches and consequently the development of those sketches through different techniques.
The project was some of the days quite challenging. Not all the words given were easy to develop. It is hard to look at your work and see that you aren’t very productive or even not productive at all.
I suppose that inspiration and being creative was part of the project when developing the artwork and when it comes to words, speaking or writing I am pretty bad at it. I normally feel kinda blocked and that drives me into a sadness zone that doesn’t let me be a cool artist.
About the project I enjoyed the fact that it was a free media choice, well, kinda free because we could just do 2D.
What wasn’t enjoyable to me was the fact that I felt under too much pressure. The amount of drawing we meant to do it was way too much. I barely could reach the level of my college’s production and that pushed me even more into that sadness zone.
What wasn’t enjoyable to me was the fact that I felt under too much pressure. The amount of drawing we meant to do it was way too much. I barely could reach the level of my college’s production and that pushed me even more into that sadness zone.
During the “consume” word day I felt super comfortable and really productive. Consumerism was my theme last year during my final major project. I did so much research and I had so many ideas which I kept on my mind. It helped me to develop that day and feel productive. 
I feel like all my classmates were really productive and much more artistic than me. I can’t point at a particular booth, I think they are all brilliant and peculiar in their way.
I looked at artists such as Lita Cabellut, Cecily Brown, Cindy Sherman, Tania Bruguera and Piere Soulages. Most of them are women, some of them are Spanish, there’s one photographer and one artist whose artwork is based on one colour, black.
I don’t get impressed by classic paintings unless they have something different. Art photographers are to me an iconic way to follow art history.
Conceptual art is what I like most independent of what is trendy what it catches my eye is new concepts and social and politic themes.
My time management during the project wasn’t the best. I always try to do my best, I know I could do better. I wish I could focus 24/7 on every project but I am a really busy  person and I have so much going on everyday.
From this project I learned to limit my time and being productive, to don’t compare my daily production with anyone’s or even with myself’s.

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